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Rowlett Emergency Dentist

The Practice Rowlett Families Turn To For Fast Emergency Care

woman with jaw pain

As the longest-running family dental practice in Rowlett, we’ve seen our share of dental emergencies. Whether they involve a painful toothache or knocked out crown, they all have at least one thing in common: they were completely unexpected. While you can’t know when a dental emergency will strike, you can certainly have a plan in place so you’re prepared. For local families, that plan has been simple for a very long time: call Rowlett Dental Associates. Whatever your urgent issue might be, we’ll work to see you as quickly as possible so we can get you out of pain and back to your life right away.

Why Choose Rowlett Dental Associates for Emergency Dentistry?

  • 3 expert dentists on staff
  • Long-serving team has seen & done it all
  • Sedation dentistry guarantees patient comfort

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies

woman holding water with jaw pain

First and foremost, whatever your dental emergency might be, the best thing you can do is reach out for professional care as soon as you can. That way, any damage or pain can be kept to a minimum, and we can work fast so it doesn’t have time to become worse. Whether your emergency occurred suddenly due to an accident or developed slowly over time because of an unknown dental infection, our team is ready to help you overcome it. Before you’re able to reach our office, however, here are a few useful tips you can use at home:


Is the pain dull and persistent? If so, something might just be stuck between your teeth, so rinse and floss around the tooth to try and remove it. If this doesn’t help, or if the pain is sharp and severe, taking an OTC pain-reliever or placing a cold compress on the face can help manage the discomfort.

Chipped/Broken Teeth

Use a cold compress to reduce any pain or swelling, and try to recover as much of the tooth that you can, putting any large pieces in a safe container. Don’t chew with the remaining tooth, and place a piece of sugar-free gum or dental wax over any jagged edges that are causing irritation within the mouth.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Is the tooth still partially rooted in the gum tissue? If so, try to gently guide it back into place. Alternatively, if the tooth is fully dislodged, hold it only by the crown, give it a quick rinse, and try to put it back into its socket. Bite down on a piece of gauze to keep it stable. If this isn’t working, put the tooth in your cheek pocket or a container of milk. We can only replant it an hour or so after it was initially knocked out, so don’t wait to give us a call!

Lost Filling / Crown

Find the restoration, rinse it off, and try to place it back onto the tooth. If the newly exposed tooth isn’t experiencing any pain, avoid chewing on the same side as it, and schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. If you do feel pain, an OTC pain-reliever can help numb the tooth, and you should give us a call right away.

How to Prevent Emergencies

woman smiling in exam chair at camera

While no emergency is 100% preventable, these little habits will DRASTICALLY reduce your risk of needing to make an unexpected trip to the dentist in the near-future:

  • Do you or one of your children play sports? Keep teeth safe from sudden impacts by always wearing a protective mouthguard.
  • Avoid using your teeth as tools to open packages or remove tags.
  • Don’t chew on extremely hard items like ice, pens, pencils, fingernails, etc.
  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly to keep them strong and free of infection.
  • Come to Rowlett Dental Associates for routine preventive appointments so we can treat a small problem before it turns into an emergency later.

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The Cost of Treating Emergencies

woman holding jaw while talking to dentist

We base our treatment recommendations on the nature of a patient’s dental emergency. As a result, the price of urgent care can vary quite a bit from person to person. Some patients only need a prescription to deal with a minor infection, while others might require a few teeth to be removed and replaced. We’ll be sure to review all of your options so that there aren’t any surprises. If you’re concerned about large out-of-pocket costs, we can help you sign up for low-to-no interest financing right through our website.

Dental Emergency FAQs

A young woman holding her cheek and furrowing her brow in pain

Your emergency dentist is your go-to person for all types of dental injuries. From toothaches to busted lips to knocked-out teeth, our team of professionals at Rowlett Dental Associates can provide the highest level of care when you need it most. But what about when you can’t get in to see one of them because you’re on vacation, or what can you do about pain while waiting at home? These and other questions are just a few we’ve answered as part of our dental emergency FAQs.

Should I seek immediate dental care if I’m out of town?

Dental accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, even if you’re on vacation or out of town for work. Should this happen to you, find a local dentist who can see you the same day as your injury. Call and alert us to the problem, too. This will not only allow you to get immediate dental care, but it will also ensure we are aware of the situation and can offer additional assistance, if necessary, when you return.

Why is it better that I see an emergency dentist instead of visiting the ER?

While the ER is the best place to go for severe facial trauma (i.e. broken/fractured jaw) or serious bleeding and swelling that can hinder your ability to breathe, most dental emergencies are capable of being treated by a dental professional. Our team is equipped to handle all types of injuries and will do our best to get in you in the same day as your accident. Our knowledge, training, and expertise make it possible for us to offer timely and complete care, treating not only the symptoms but also the root cause.

How will I know if my treatment will be covered by insurance?

The only way to find out if your emergency treatment is covered is to call your insurance company and ask. If you are uninsured or are worried that the remaining out of pocket costs will be too much for you to afford right now, our team will work to identify alternative payment methods that will enable you to better manage your payments while getting the care you need.

Should I still see a dentist if I’m no longer in pain?

Yes! Just because the pain is no longer an issue doesn’t mean there isn’t something serious still occurring within your mouth. Even some of the most serious dental emergencies are not evident above the surface. This means that we will need to take digital X-rays to find out if anything is happening beneath your gum line. Allowing pain to be your determining factor as to whether you seek treatment is not the way to go about dental care. In fact, it could cause you to spend lots of time and money in the dentist’s chair in the future.

What should I do if my child knocks out a baby tooth?

If one of your child’s baby teeth is knocked out for any reason, don’t wait. Instead, call our office and schedule an appointment right away. Depending on the age of your child and which tooth has been knocked out, it may be okay for the socket to remain vacated until the permanent tooth erupts. However, if it is too early for your little one to be losing baby teeth, we may need to insert a spacer to keep their other teeth from shifting and trying to close up space. This will allow for their adult tooth to move in without a problem when it’s time.

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